
The Extremadura Centre for Advanced Technologies (CETA-Ciemat), located in Trujillo, was created in 2006 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Government of Extremadura, CIEMAT and the City Council of Trujillo. CETA-Ciemat runs an advanced data processing centre that constitutes one of the most powerful scientific computing resource centres in Spain. The CETA-Ciemat data centre offers its users and researchers more than 100 Teraflops of double precision computing power (1 Teraflop = 1012 mathematical operations per second), 3,000 CPU computing cores, 125,000 GPU computing cores, and more than 700 Terabytes of high-performance storage with disk access rates of up to 64 Gbps. On the other hand, since 2008, CETA-Ciemat has been hosting the Lusitania machine owned by the Government of Extremadura, guaranteeing its correct operation, connectivity and power supply at all times.

They use Proxmox VE as a solution for their virtualisation infrastructure. We have provided Proxmox VE training to many of your technical staff in order to give them a deeper understanding of this technology as well as visibility into the great benefits of a Proxmox/Ceph cluster and our DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) solutions. At the end of the training each student has received a diploma signed by Proxmox certifying that they have received the training. They have also contracted us to provide consultancy and maintenance services for their virtualisation infrastructure so that we can help them with whatever they need.