Port Authority of Alicante

The Port of Alicante is the main logistics platform in the province of Alicante, the potential of the Port of Alicante is based on its geographical location, as it covers an area of influence where municipalities as important as Alicante, Elche, Murcia and Albacete converge, even penetrating towards Madrid through the industrial areas of Vinalopó. The strength of the business fabric in this area is based on an excellent transportation infrastructure: port, highways, roads and airport, which increases its export capacity and commercial tradition.

Through our VPS (Virtual Private Server) service we host part of your website as well as an application we have developed for the management of valued relationships. They also have an online training platform.

They also use our mail cleaning service to rid their mailboxes of viruses and spam. Thanks to our delocalized mail service, their mailboxes are distributed among different email service providers.

We have also audited their network topology and security elements, generating a detailed report with recommendations for improvement.