Purgadores de Condensado, S.L

Purgadores de condensado is a company that provides specialized services focused on excellence in energy efficiency of steam networks in the oil refining and petrochemical industry sectors. It has highly qualified professional technicians with decades of experience, backed by excellent results. Their intelligent steam traps are equipped with BiTherm monitoring technology, which allows them to save between 10% and 20% of steam.

This is one of our first customers with whom we have been working since our origins as a company and for whom we have made use of most of the products and services we offer.

In the IT area (Information Technologies) we have implemented a Proxmox VE Ceph Cluster that serves as the virtualization infrastructure on which most of the systems they use for their daily work are executed. We have designed the network topology, security, VPNs and communications between its different sites, all managed through a FWCloud console.

A virtual VoIP PBX hosted within its own virtualization infrastructure is used for voice communications. They have a proprietary mail server whose access is protected by VPN connections to ensure the confidentiality of messages. They also use our mail cleaning service to clean messages from viruses and spam.

They have several PBS (Proxmox Backup Server) systems in different locations, thanks to which several backups are generated in different locations, which helps to significantly improve data resilience.

We have also designed and programmed the entire IT part of the Smart Watch Web system. This system, mainly used in power plants and oil refineries, allows steam leaks to be detected in real time, making it possible to solve them in the shortest possible time and avoid the economic and CO2 costs they entail.